Webinar/CLE: Adobe Acrobat Tips and Tricks for Lawyers


Law Practice Division presents Adobe Acrobat Tips and Tricks for Lawyers on Wednesday, May 13, 2015. JoAnn Hathaway, State Bar or Michigan, and David L. Masters, Masters Law Firm will show you how Adobe Acrobat can help you practice law more efficiently.

Join us for this session as we explore Acrobat XI Professional, including:

  • The Acrobat interface, menus, and toolbars, in the law practice context
  • Customizing the tool bars for legal professionals
  • Why PDF annotation tools are so useful for lawyers
  • Acrobat’s legal-specific features: Bates Numbering, redaction, and metadata removal
  • Client confidences and document security
  • Document manipulation for case management, such as adding, removing, and replacing pages and combining PDFs
  • Form creation
  • The many uses of PDF portfolios in your law firm

Learn more about PDFs, sharing documents with counsel, and filing documents electronically with the court. Register online today! 

This webinar includes an E-Book, Adobe Acrobat in One Hour for Lawyers, for a special discounted price of $25 (50% savings!).


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