The Professional Development Issue | September 2016
In this issue of ABA Law Practice Today:
How one firm helps associates become accomplished public speakers. What are the keys for making coaching work in the law firm environment? A roundtable of deans and professors was unanimous in pushing for additional technology training at law schools. Think you're a good listener? Think again—especially about how you listen. Make your training programs pay bigger dividends with these practical tips. Better judgments are made when you can recognize and overcome common cognitive biases. Seven practitioners offer their take on the best route for professional development. Paying attention to the fundamental building blocks of success has never been more important. Storing sensitive data in the cloud can save time and money—if you take the proper security precautions. Multiple sources can help you get a fuller picture of your opponents’ expert witnesses. Every law firm deals with potentially profound changes—but how they plan for them often determines the outcome. Improving diversity is in the best interests of firms and their clients. AI tools are already transforming the provision of legal services—and much more is to come.The Speakers’ Society: An Innovative Approach to Developing Presentation Skills
Coaching: A Critical Component of Your Law Firm’s Talent Management Strategy
Law School Deans Push to Add Tech to the Curriculum
Learning to Listen
Seven Ways to Make Your Business Development Training More Effective
When Not to Trust Your Gut: Cognitive Bias in Legal Decision-Making
Professional Development For Lawyers
Seven Tips to Succeed in Your Job Search
Sponsored Keeping Law Firms Secure In the Cloud
Sponsored The Devil You Know: Investigating the Opposing Expert
Law Firm Pivot Points: Anticipating Make-or-Break Transitions
Diversity and Its Impact on the Legal Profession
Don’t Fear Artificial Intelligence, Embrace It