The Finance Issue | May 2016
In this issue of ABA Law Practice Today:
Retirements can have a profound impact on the bottom line of firms that fail to do long-term capital planning. A prize-winning portal brings expected and unanticipated benefits. Lawyers can take some important lessons from the restaurant business. An up-to-date list of software options for law firms. Law firms need to be proactive to mitigate the risk of theft and detect scams. Attorneys representing banks should heed the signs of a potential wave of new liability actions. The waning of the billable hour is just the start of the revolution in firm finances that today’s lawyers need to understand. Learn from the innovators about cloud-based practice management tools. How to plan and execute the transition of a law library to a digital platform. Aligning your work with what is most meaningful to you will increase happiness much more than flex-time or any other work-life balance program. Solo lawyers and small firms can better compete by following these practical tips. Tips for helping creative and engaged Millennials transform the legal profession. A cross-generational panel offers good advice for attorneys of any age. Former judge Rebecca Love Kourlis spearheads efforts to continuously improve the legal system across the United States. Financial planning and prudent fiscal practices are the responsibility of every lawyer and law firm.Succession Planning—How Does Your Capital Look?
Can the Lateral Recruitment Puzzle Be Solved?
Run Your Law Practice Like a Restaurant and Make Money
A Look at the State of the Art in Business Development Software and Analytics
Managing Risks of Employee Theft and Internet Scams
Think Your Cybersecurity is Up to Snuff? Don’t Bank on It
Finding the Future of Finance
Sponsored Increase Your Firm’s Profit with Intelligent Staffing and Workflow Solutions
Sponsored Best Practices for Implementing a Successful Digital Law Library
Beyond Balance: How Women Lawyers Can Find Happiness at Work
Organize or Perish: Five Essential Rules for Solo Lawyers
This Old House: Renovating the Legal Profession
Millennial Attorneys: Good Communication Fosters Law Firm Workplace Success
Changing the Culture of the American Justice System
From the Chair